Blank Canvas-2A blank canvas is a simple, well-worn analogy. But with a little twist, we have found it to be quite powerful and it has become the premise for our trip and adventure that we’ll embark upon by the end of 2013. But to be honest, the adventure has already begun!

Blank canvas is not about starting a new life. Instead it’s a change of mindset. It’s about a new way of looking at each day. It encourages us to live life through practical learning, emotional experiences, and soul-searching adventure. It’s finding beauty in everyday life, and capturing that picture.

What an exciting time ahead for our family. Wow, in less than 12 months we will walk away from a life that we’ve grown very comfortable in … careers, a home, stability, and routine. We will land on the shores of Canada for an adventure, blended with family time and a road trip that we’ve only ever dared to dream about until now.

What I feel most passionate about is the change in lifestyle. No suit, no clock, no stuff (or at least less stuff). And it will be about freedom, fun and family. Why would anyone give me a strange look if I told them that!! 🙂

Making the decision

We’d spoken about a life in Canada, but a decision to uproot our family is not made lightly. We are happy in Australia. We live in one of the most beautiful countries in the world, we have a well-established life, and my family is here. Everything I know, everything I’ve grown up with, is here around me.

However, in my day to day life I felt as though I’d fallen into the trap of chasing an imaginary finish line. When you’re moving so quickly through life, it’s like flicking the TV channels; you get a bit of everything but you don’t relax and enjoy the show.

So I asked myself this question. Would I have any regrets in 30 years if I accepted my current life as all that it would be?

And the answer was yes. Whilst I have no complaints about my life, when I looked back at the things that have shaped me, travel stood strong. Walking the Grand Canyon as a young bloke, hiking in Nepal, family camping at a little place called Burrier, and experiencing rural China are just a handful of trips and experiences that have changed who I am. The more one lives life, rather than just exists, the more nutrition there is for the mind. And this is a philosophy I want to share with my kids.

I’m taking this time to be with my young family, to see the world, and to explore my passion of photography. If I end back in the same place, so be it. I have lost nothing, I have gained everything.

And so, the decision was made that we needed to let go, be fearless, and be open to whatever lies ahead for us.

Phrases such as ‘Sea Change’ or ‘Tree Change’ have been coined due to the growing trend of people leaving the hustle and bustle of the city. Our family will be making what we’ve coined as a ‘Season Change’. Moving from Australia to Canada, from the hot to the cold, from Kangaroos to Polar Bears, from roundabouts to 4-way stops, from 2 seasons to 4. We decided to trust our instincts and follow our hearts. We hope you can come along for the ride as we roam Canada!

By Ben Gray

One Response to “Blank Canvas”

  1. Roaming Days

    Reblogged this on Roaming days and commented:

    We often get asked how we came to the decision to pack up our life , and travel for an extended period (with small children) in an RV. Here is our original post, over a year ago, when we made this decision.



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